Leveraging the seasonal squash to raise awareness and pumpkin spice up marketing strategies.

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, the team painted pink pumpkins to utilize in marketing for “Pinktober” for several of our clients who have ties to the cause. Clients CharMED, Speed Cleaning, Studio Barre, and Buckets and Bows all have giving initiatives for Breast Cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, so having the opportunity to raise awareness about the good they are doing with their products and services is always a treat! We had a great time getting creative with posing the pumpkins for these shoots as the shape of the squash does lend itself to some relevant imagery!


Here are some ways we were able to “PUMP” up marketing imagery with these pinktastic pumpkin pics!

CharMED stethoscope bling sells a Breast Cancer Ribbon and Breast Cancer Awareness charm combo where a portion of proceeds are donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. This cause is something that is supported by purchases of these products year round, not just in October! If you know someone who works in the medical field that would appreciate this gift head here to check them out!


Speed Cleaning has a selection of Pinktober Products available for sale on their site and equip teams participating in the Cleaning for a Reason cause. When you purchase these products to use in your home, you know you’re not only using a great and effective product, but one that is sold by a business that gives back!

Buckets & Bows is a charter member of Cleaning For A Reason.They give away free house cleanings to women battling cancer, not just in October, but year-round.


Studio Barre

The ladies at Studio Barre have really “RAISED the bar” on finding creative and engaging ways to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Studio events like Ta-Ta-Tuesdays, Wig Wednesday, encouraging ladies to wear pink to class, highlighting “Survivor Spotlights” on women from the studio, and partnering with the Keep A Breast Foundation to raise funds. It was a pleasure to shoot on-site to provide Studio Barre Instagram accounts with content to use for Pinktober on their social.


The Teal Pumpkin Project

Our team at Petrucci Marketing is passionate about raising awareness about causes that hit close to home, even if it’s not something that is specifically for client marketing purposes. We love seeing the power of social media and the good that it can do to raise awareness, educate, and advocate for people and positive purposes. One of the causes that includes pumpkins this year is the Teal Pumpkin Project. Team member Katie brought this cause to our attention as she has lived with severe and deadly food allergies her entire life. Now, with the power of social media, FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is spreading the word about making Halloween safer for kids with life-threatening food allergies with the #TealPumpkinProject.

Katie had some fun and made a timelapse video to raise awareness to our friends on social! It’s great to see how followers are quick to get excited and on-board with this campaign.

For example: Thank you sharing! I’ll add one to my doorstep .” -@mightywife


Here’s more information about the Teal Pumpkin Project:

For families with food allergies trick-or-treating can come with a lot of anxiety. Even trace amounts of an allergen can be enough to cause a serious reaction. With this years’ Epipen shortage many families have decided not to participate at all. A teal pumpkin on your doorstep indicates that you have food-allergy friendly treats available for trick or treaters (glow sticks, stickers, small toys), and creates a feeling of inclusion for both children and their parents.

1 in every 13 children have food allergies, and many other children have illnesses that don’t allow them to fully participate in the Halloween fun. The Teal Pumpkin Project makes sure that nobody is left out. To find out how you can participate in creating a happier and safer Halloween in your neighborhood, and for free resources visit the @foodallergy (FARE) website www.tealpumpkinproject.org. And if you don’t have time to paint a pumpkin, head over to Target or Michael’s  to get one that will last you year after year or head to the Teal Pumpkin Project site and print out a sign!


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